The Stray Bulletin

Arts and culture in East Africa and beyond

Coin Hunting in the City May 31, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — Sophie Alal @ 3:59 pm

The cobblestoned streets of Edinburgh hold immense opportunities for finders of all kinds; pickers, takers, and seers. I’m of the former variety, relishing every opportunity for finding interesting little things wedged inbetween nooks of grey sandstone or granite, like rings, diamante hearts, bits of jewellery etc but of course bigger items like hats, hair clips, and scarves are easier to spot. Nothing beats finding a nice shiny coin, nestled in some grimy spot, waiting (no begging) to be taken away.

It’s always a beautiful feeling to be able to collect enough coins for a lollipop, or a trinket from a thrift store. Unfortunately that hasn’t happened in the last four days. Boooooo!

I’ve got two theories. The first is that it’s not yet tourist high season so there aren’t enough people losing unfamiliar coins all over the place. Secondly it’s the recession (silly), every coin counts. I suppose the latter is probably more accurate than the first.

In the end, it’s terribly annoying when your love for a little urban outdoor activity is ruined by pockets and purse strings just being a little too tight. Ultimately it’s more helpful to find a new kind of distraction. Like finding cardigans near bins and arranging them funnily. Oh well I hope buskers are having a little more luck.